3 Page Paper Needed Immediately

ASSIGNMENT: Read Martin Luther King’s 1967 speech “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” found attached to this assignment. Choose one of the following topics from the speech to focus your paper on:

  • King’s opposition to the use of violence as a means to end conflict.

  • The drain of resources to fight the war while ignoring poverty at home.

  • The dilemma of sending African-American men to fight overseas for a country that has denied them basic citizenship rights.

After choosing your focus topic formulate a thesis that answers the question why Martin Luther King opposed the Vietnam war on those grounds. Here are some tips on formulating a thesis: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/.


  • Paper should be three pages long

  • The document is a primary source. What historians know about the past comes from primary sources. These are the raw materials from which historical analyses and conclusions are made, and understanding of the past is achieved. Students will critically read the assigned primary source, analyze it, and write a critical analysis of it. Not only will the paper examine the material in the source, it will also contextualize it.

  • Students must emphasize what the source illustrates about the society in which it was produced, but must also indicate how they know this through direct references and examination of the source.

  • The paper must include a thesis statement – I will provide the thesis statement for this assignment. A thesis explains succinctly the purpose of the document, and its historical significance. The thesis must be in the introduction.

  • Students must have a minimum of three supporting ideas that validate the thesis and have their foundation in the text.

  • The remainder of the essay should be an elaboration and support of the key themes and in turn the central thesis.

  • Do not use any outside sources, including and especially the internet.

  • The paper should include a brief, but explanatory summary and an analysis of the text itself, the author’s objectives and assumptions, the audience, and the historical context.

  • Be sure to account for any perceived, potential, latent, and obvious bias. Use quotes from the text to substantiate your ideas.

  • You must cite all references to the text in proper Chicago Manual of Style format. http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html

  • Finally, analyze and explain the historical significance of the piece in its own time, as well as today, and indicate how the document might be used to construct history.

General advice: Do not simply summarize the contents. When writing an analysis, particularly of a primary source, the student must demonstrate explicitly for the reader howand why understanding of the source contents has shaped the student’s interpretation of it and the assessment of its significance.






Thesis At the beginning of the paper, clearly and succinctly states a thesis that sets the basis for the paper. Discusses the topic in the first paragraph and suggests possible answers, but does not assert a specific thesis. Restates or summarizes the assignment, but does not provide a specific thesis. There is no thesis statement or topic statement, answer is off-topic or does not address significant aspects of the assignment topic.
Introduction Provides pertinent and accurate details to provide a context for understanding the paper; and does not go into a lengthy summary. Provides pertinent background information for the paper, but does not fully contextualize the topic. Background information provided, but does not full contextualize the topic. No introduction provided for the paper and goes immediately into summary or analysis of the documents.
Evidence Multiple pieces of specific evidence selected from the text or document; student explains the evidence’s relevance to the thesis and the paper topic. Quotes are short, pertinent, and used sparingly. Reference is made to the required number of documents, but not all evidence is specifically identified, or the student does not always explain its relevance to the thesis. Some minor errors in facts may occur, but do not undermine the validity of the thesis. Sometimes quotes are too frequent or too lengthy! Some evidence is presented but it is too general, not specific and does not appear relevant to the thesis. Often does not cite sources or uses lengthy quotes, and quotes are used too frequently. General references to sources but it is unclear which evidence comes from which sources; paper has more quotes than explanations in some places.
Analysis and Accuracy Analysis focuses on identifying and explaining how the evidence supports the thesis. Specific conclusions draw on analysis of the text to prove the thesis. All information is factually accurate, including specific data conclusions, inferences, and analysis. Some analysis of the document/text is used to illustrate the conclusion, the discussion lacks specificity or pertinent detail. Several minor errors in fact or interpretation, but there are not sufficient to undermine the overall veracity of the analysis. Does not draw on specific examples from the text/document, there are factual errors or interpretations based on inaccurate data or misunderstanding the text/document. Little analysis, significant errors in interpretation which undermine the overall veracity of the analysis.
Style Logically organized and written in full sentences using professional language. Utilizes words that convey precise meanings, cites all sources correctly, no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. Generally well organized and written in professional language with occasional lapses into casual speech. Usually utilizes words that convey precise meanings; citations are largely correct; has several spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Portions of the essay are unfocused, or discussion does not flow easily from one point to the next. A number of casual phrases or poor word choices undermine the precision of the answer. More than six spelling or grammar errors. No logical organization or uses unprofessional language; terminology is vague or does not convey specific meanings; citations are missing; has numerous spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

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