2-3 page paper APA Format

  • Recall racial depictions you have seen on television.
  • Compare the racial depictions you have seen on television to those in your personal experience.
  • Reflect on the influence of these depictions in your personal life.

The assignment:

  • Compose a 2-page paper in which you do the following:
    • Compare racial interactions on television to those in real life.
    • Explain how these fictional interactions have influenced your personal interactions.
    • Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to your course readings.


Samad, A. A. (2007, July 19–25). “Post-black” thought in art and culture: The continuing effort to make race relevant”. Los Angeles Sentinel, 72(50), p. A7.

Vedantam, S. (2008, March 24).
Unequal Perspectives On Racial Equality.
The Washington Post, p. A.3.

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