ethical philosophy of life, philosophy homework help

Write “My ethical philosophy of life.” Submit 4-5  pages,(double
–spaced) to be turned in on or before May 4th, the last class day.

This can be your general ethical philosophy of life, or your ethical
philosophy of life before and after this course, or your ethical
philosophy of life as it is relevant to some of the issues we
discussed, or your ethical philosophy of life last year as compared to
now, or, if something important has occurred in your life, your
ethical philosophy of life after this “life changing” event. So, you
have a number of different avenues you can take. The best papers I’ve
received are students, “ethical philosophy of life.” I am always
amazed at the lives of students that I’ve taught. Some students have
had lives of hardship, struggle and pain and they’ve survived and
continue to be survivors.

Be creative in this assignment. It is your reflections, not a research
paper. Write your ethical philosophy of life however you wish. It’s up
to you.

It may be the only time in your life that you’ll be asked to write
your ethical philosophy of life. I suggest that you keep a copy of
this paper for your reference. Look at it next year, 5 years from now
or 20 years from now. See how you saw yourself in May of 2016. It
might be interesting!

So, are you clear about your final task?  Again, this paper is due on
or before May 4th at class time.  It is important that you turn in the
paper on this date, since I have to get your final grades in.  No
extensions will be given for this paper unless it is a dire emergency
and you talk to me about it.

Also, I often have students write about very personal issues in such a
paper. I want you to be certain that anything you write is only read
by me and is absolutely confidential.

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