Critique Writing, English homework help

Find two useful claims, facts, examples, questions, etc. from Blackey’s text “Words to the Whys.” Explain how these will help you write a better critique. Respond to at least two other students’ posts.

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I also recommend that student sit with paper, pencil, and instruction close at hand as they read their book so they can note any and all reactions precisely as they come to mind.

My habit of writing article review is after reading a whole book or article I write down the most impressive part. This habit lets me encounter difficulties pretty often. I will always forget the details; just remember the most important part. Therefore, I have to read the entire article again and again. Here, the author said, “Taking notes along the way should produce more material than is needed.” I will sit with paper, pencil and my wall street journal article this week.

2. In the actual writing of the summary, I instruct students to use their own words, to combine ideas and story line into new sentences and phrasing of their own.

Abstracts/summaries on the internet or the introduction often affect my thinking and fall into the trap of plagiarism. While during the summary it is easy to undermine original thinking if I take the original language of the author. The best ways to do the summary is finish reading an article and digest it then come up with my own words.

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