Book review that covers the thesis of the book.

If you have read any of following books:

Mary Chestnut’s Civil War. A primary source autobiography. 

Kenneth Stamp – A peculiar institution.

Ralph Waldo Emerson – “Self Reliance” 

Arthur Schlesinger Age of Jackson

Fawn Brodie “Thomas Jefferson, an intimate history”

Brian Kilmeade, Thomas Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates

Catherine Clinton – Harriet Tubman a road to freedom

and do the review of following steps:

Begin your review with a brief introduction about the life of the subject in the book. Who was this person and why should we care about they said? Select 5 examples of things said in the book that helps the author support their points. What have others said of the book? Amazon review, and one scholar review. What have other historians said about this work? Extra Credit, select one of these

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