Why do you think the components of this system are underutilized? (Please note that this is not just a problem of poor marketing and communication.)

Read Case 14: Cooper Green Hospital and the Community Care Plan. Answers the following questions.
Why do you think the components of this system are underutilized? (Please note that this is not just a problem of poor marketing and communication.)
What would you do to increase the utilization of these services and attract a greater mix of paying patients? State at least four steps or actions you would take for this.
Support your responses with examples in a 2-4 page APA formatted Word Document. Include an introduction and conclusion. Cite any sources in APA format.


Self-confidence is an essential mediating influence on an athlete’s perception of success and enjoyment in sport.

Are confidence and attribution theory related? If so, how?
What kind of attributions would you expect an athlete with low self-esteem to make?
Is there anything that can be done to rectify the situation?
The post dis first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

Identification of alternative solutions – Nursing Essay Tutors

Legal Dilemma
You are the hospital administrator for a county hospital, which is funded in a large part by that county’s property taxes. You discover that you have an indigent patient who has been mistakenly admitted as an inpatient to the hospital strictly for dialysis treatment. The hospital does not, as a general practice, provide only dialysis treatment for patients. This is beyond the scope of the hospital’s mandate and is therefore, an inappropriate use of local property tax funding.
If the indigent patient is discharged from the hospital and dialysis treatment is terminated, the patient will become toxic and experience severe physical consequences, even death. However, if the patient is kept in the hospital for purposes of dialysis treatment only, the hospital must assume the burden of the patient’s debt, without revenue to cover the associated cost.
Based on your understanding of the above scenario, create a report in a Microsoft Word document that includes an analysis using the classic decision model to keep the patient in the hospital or discharge them.
An introduction
Definition of the problem.
Identification of the stakeholders.
Identification of alternative solutions.
Evaluation of alternative solutions.
Solution chosen and how to implement it with the stakeholders.
Conclusion and reflection of this process.
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.

briefly describe the history of psychology from its inception to its current state. emphisizs the majof schools of psychology in…

briefly describe the history of psychology from its inception to its current state. emphisizs the majof schools of psychology in order of their appearance. mention their founders, dates of inception, and current influenceThe post briefly describe the history of psychology from its inception to its current state. emphisizs the majof schools of psychology in… first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

Explain some of the differences in information systems in other countries and the effect those differences have on business relationships.

800 words.
Discuss three nonverbal differences you might encounter if you are transferred to manage a company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Your response must be at least 200 words in length
Discuss the importance of understanding cultural differences when negotiating with people in another country.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Explain some of the differences in information systems in other countries and the effect those differences have on business relationships.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Explain how it is that people from different countries who speak the same language may still miscommunicate.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Apa format paper | Nursing School Essays

I have an APA paper due on Monday 17. It has to be on the 4 teaching styles of Diane Baumrind. Please research and review Diana Baumrind’s (4) Styles of Parenting:
1. Authoritarian.
2. Permissive.
3. Neglectful.
4. Authoritative. 
Write a paper:  APA Style, Times New Roman, 12 Font, 1″ Margins, Double Spaced.  Paper will consist of five pages –
Page One is the Title page which has a total of 5 lines;
Page Two is the Abstract Page which has 3 – 5 sentences, less than 150 words;
Page Three and Page Four are the Body Pages;
Page Five is the Work Cited Page.
Essentially the paper is two body pages and is typed in a double spaced format; this is tantamount to one page of writing by hand, no more!

Describe how you would like to involve the department heads with this process.

Write a memo to the department heads of Pegasus to describe the goals of the change initiative, which is the reorganization. In this memo, you must do the following:
Gain the trust of the department heads by offering a clear explanation of the need for change.
Briefly outline the steps you may use to facilitate this change process.
Describe how you would like to involve the department heads with this process.

Persuasion Versus Judgment | Nursing School Essays

Consider various guidelines for approaching controversial topics, gathering evidence, forming judgments, and constructing arguments to persuade others to agree with our judgments.
For this short assignment:
Think about the processes of forming a judgment and persuading others in your professional environment. Construct a 2- to 3-paragraph essay intended to persuade someone to agree with your position on a particular topic. Be sure to identify the topic and cite and explain the evidence you consider supportive of your position.
Make reference to the 11 guidelines for constructing persuasive arguments, and apply two to three of them in your response.
Submit your essay in the Microsoft Word document format. Name the file M1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc, and submit it to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox by Wednesday, July 19, 2017.
You must cite the source of information you use. Apply current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references.

Discuss with them the roles, functions, and responsibilities of consultants to their clients.

You are an internal consultant directed to plan the reorganization for Pegasus Company, a large aerospace research and development company. You work in the human resource development (HRD) department and have three direct reports. Your team has never experienced reorganization, and you will be responsible for coaching them as well as facilitating the reorganization itself. The goal for you and the HRD team is to help Pegasus remain effective and efficient in today’s competitive marketplace.
Pegasus is widely known for its wind tunnel research technology. Scale models of new products (planes, helicopters, jets, space shuttles, etc.) are tested for imperfections, safety, and practicality. Pegasus is comprised of engineers, computer-aided design (CAD) designers, scientists, model makers, and administrative staff. The company started out small and has grown rapidly over the past few years. With that growth came the company’s organization into departments by skill group (e.g., engineering, design, R&D). By now, people in different skill groups do not communicate to each other except to pass along designs, projects, and other pertinent ideas to complete project goals. This has caused many problems in the past because each type of worker has his or her own language for his or her subculture of the organization. Therefore, projects take a long time to complete because of mistakes in the plans, redoing the mistakes, and failing to take into account the specifications of the scientists and engineers by the CAD designers because they have not been clearly communicated. The administration and leadership of the organization lack good skills in interpersonal communications because of their heavy science background, and they also need leadership training in the form of management and executive development.
The culture of the organization has been what has kept most people there, not the compensation. In the past, the organization was open, nonhierarchical, and it enabled employees to pursue their professional passions. The main piece of the culture of Pegasus that has always led to retention of employees is that the employees feel as though their jobs are their life and that they have accountability for their part to the greater whole of whatever project on which they are working.
Many employees feel like the company is disintegrating because of the difficulties in communication which, in turn, makes it more difficult to get the projects completed in a timely manner. This is leading to rumblings among the staff about leaving Pegasus. Because Pegasus is located in a highly concentrated technical area of the country, there are other companies that pay better and seem to be more competitive for contracts. The leaders of Pegasus are afraid of losing their best and brightest employees and feel the pressing need to streamline their organization to remain effective, efficient, and competitive.
You, as the lead internal consultant, are first tasked with restructuring the organization. This may mean a reduction in force (RIF). You hope you can restructure without a RIF. You will also need to bring the various teams of employees together and teach them communication skills, process skills, and leadership skills that can hold the company together. You have your work cut out for you.
Your HRD team is not familiar or comfortable with the role of consultant. Discuss with them the roles, functions, and responsibilities of consultants to their clients. Are there differences between internal and external consultants?


you will create a draft of the problem identification section of your final grant proposal. Think about the professional environment you will be seeking to work in upon graduation and a potential problem within that professional environment that could be solved through your recommended program. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
The Topic Is: ADHD
3 to 4 full pages (not including cover or refernece page)
5 cited sources The post Mile1 first appeared on Nursing School Essays.