In your infographic, briefly explain the importance of each step and the importance of how the steps are sequenced.

Please take the systems/tasks below and draw a graphic that orders (by time sequencing) all of their steps and how each is connected to each other. Create an Infographic, using a Google search for relevant information on infographics. In your infographic, briefly explain the importance of each step and the importance of how the steps are sequenced. NOTE: The entire graphic must be on one page and the explanations may be on another. For the infographic, you may create it freehand or digitally, take a pic, and submit it here. NO HARD COPIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Here are the systems to be included:
· Gap Analysis and its relevant steps
· ADDIE and its relevant steps
· SWOT and its relevant steps
· The Strategic training process, from strategy à operations
· The “3 Hs”
· Bloom’s Taxonomy
Hint: EVERYTHING in T&D (and ALL HR sub-disciplines) begins with an organization’s strategic plan.
Only content on ONE sheet of paper will be graded!

Need help ASAP. person must have experience in spss

Exercise 2: Reliability and Validity
For this exercise, your task is to estimate the reliability and validity of a measure of Need for Cognition (nCog; Cacioppo & Petty, 1982; Cacioppo, Petty, & Kao, 1984). This is a team project. You have been randomly assigned into groups of 3-4 classmates. Please work with your team members and turn in one final, written document with all classmates’ names on it by the assigned due date. 
An SPSS data file is included in the assignment folder, with responses from 294 college students. Within the data file you will find raw scores for nCog items, as well as composite scores for several other variables (see page 2 for descriptions). 
Your tasks for this assignment are described below. To answer each of these questions, run the analyses using SPSS and report relevant information in your write-up (i.e., the reliability or validity coefficient). As a team, write a report explaining your findings for each of the questions above. Provide an interpretation of what the results mean. In other words, explain your findings in sufficient detail so that another person could understand what you examined and why. 
Estimate Coefficient Alpha for nCog using the items in the data set. 
Estimate test-retest reliability for nCog – data were collected 2 weeks after the original nCog data (NCOG_T2).
Criterion-Related Validity 
Report the criterion-related validity estimate for nCog using College GPA (CollegeGPA).
Report the criterion-related validity estimate for nCog using Student Satisfaction (StudentSat).
Report the incremental validity estimate of nCog above and beyond High School GPA (HS_GPA) and ACT Scores (ACT) in predicting College GPA (CollegeGPA). 
Report the incremental validity estimate of nCog above and beyond High School GPA (HS_GPA) and ACT Scores (ACT) in predicting Student Satisfaction (StudentSat). 
Construct-Related Validity 
Report convergent validity evidence using Intrinsic Motivation (IntMot) and Mastery Goal Orientation (MGO). 
Report discriminant validity evidence using Extrinsic Motivation (ExtMot), Performance Approach Goal Orientation (AppGO), Performance Avoid Goal Orientation (AvdGO), and Social Desirability (SocDes).   
As a reminder, this is a team project. You will be randomly assigned to teams and you must work with your classmates to complete this assignment and turn in one single document for everyone. You can coordinate your efforts using Google Hangouts, or any other method you prefer. Google Docs works great for writing the paper together as a team. You already have access to both of these using your UMSL email/SSOID. You can download SPSS for free as an UMSL student, or you can use TritonApps to run your analyses remotely. Please note that a part of this assignment is evaluating your team members’ contributions. If you do not contribute (as indicated by your team members), your grade will be adjusted accordingly. You cannot work on this assignment individually.
Variables in Data Set/Assignment
Need for Cognition –described as a drive to understand situations and the world around us (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982; Cacioppo et al., 1984). People with a high need for cognition tend to enjoy problem solving, abstract reasoning, and enjoy complex situations/problems. Items were rated on a 5-point scale (1 = Strongly Disagree to 5 = Strongly Agree), and higher scores indicate higher levels of the construct. Items were taken from Cacioppo et al. (1984), in the attached article.  Note that several of these items are reverse-scored. You will need to re-code them prior to running the analyses. 
High School GPA – is cumulative, high school grade point average, on a 4.0 scale. Scores were taken from admissions records. 
ACT Scores – ACT scores were gathered from university records. 
College GPA – is cumulative, college grade point average on a 4.0 scale. This was taken from university records. In this study College GPA was collected one year after Need for Cognition was measured.
Student Satisfaction – is the extent that students are satisfied with their experiences at the university. Six items were written for the purpose of conducting this study. Cronbach’s alpha for this scale was .90. In this study student satisfaction was collected one year after Need for Cognition was measured. 
Academic Motivation focuses on the reasons that students go to college. This is based on Deci and Ryan’s (1985) self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). For the purposes of this data collection ten items were written to measure intrinsic motivation and ten items were written to measure extrinsic motivation. 
Intrinsic Motivation – is based on a drive to learn and accumulate knowledge. The process of learning itself is internally motivating for individuals with a high level of intrinsic motivation. Coefficient alpha for this scale was .92.
Extrinsic Motivation – is based on the anticipation of some other, external reward, Individuals with a high level of intrinsic motivation are less interested in learning itself, but motivated because with a college degree they are more likely to obtain a high-paying job or promotion at work. Coefficient alpha for this scale was .87.
Goal Orientation – reflects the purpose, or type of goal that a person aims to achieve when pursuing a particular task (Elliot et al., 1999). This can be composed of mastery goal orientation, performance approach goal orientation, and performance avoid goal orientation. Seven items were written to measure each of the three dimensions below. 
Mastery Goal Orientation – has a focus on improving oneself as a function of task pursuit, and is often associated with deep-level processing and drive to learn and understand material (e.g., expanding one’s knowledge). Coefficient alpha for this scale was .90.
Performance Approach Goal Orientation – is associated with achieving positive outcomes and successful task accomplishment. However, this is more often associated with surface-level processing, with a focus on simply obtaining task outcomes (e.g., getting a good grade). Coefficient alpha for this scale was .83.
Performance Avoid Goal Orientation – is also focused on achieving outcomes, but specifically on avoiding failure or negative outcomes. Instead of focusing on learning material or getting a favorable grade or expanding one’s knowledge, the focus remains on not failing a class, for example.   Coefficient alpha for this scale was .89.
Social Desirability – involves providing what would be perceived as favorable, or socially desirable, responses (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960). The KR20 internal consistency estimate for this scale was .87.
Cacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (1982). The need for cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 116-131. 
Cacioppo, J. T., Petty, R. E., & Kao, C. F. (1984). The efficient assessment of need for cognition. Journal of Personality Assessment, 3, 306-307. 
Crowne, D.P., & Marlowe, D. (1960). A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 24, 349–354.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York, NY: Plenum.
Elliott, A. J., McGregor, H. A., & Gable, S. (1999). Achievement goals, study strategies, and exam performance: A mediational analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 549-563. 
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55, 68-78. 
Me and my group will divide reliability, criterion-related validity, construct-related validity. one person has already choosen to complete criterion-related validity. So left is reliability and construct-related validitaly. you can choose which everone you will like.  

Examine the resources in this week’s Learning Resources for information that will help you create, develop, and complete your logic model.

The process of creating a logic model allows a program planner to carefully think through the resources available, activities implemented, and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes that a program hopes to achieve. For this Assignment, you create your own logic model for a program of your choosing. If you are a current human and social services professional, you may choose a program that you currently implement or would like to implement in the future. If you are not yet in the field, you may design a program that professionally interests you.
To Prepare
Examine the resources in this week’s Learning Resources for information that will help you create, develop, and complete your logic model.
The Assignment:
Complete your own logic model by following the instructions in the Logic Model Workbook.
Be sure to print and fill out the assignment sheets in Appendices A and C of the Logic Model Workbook. *You will need to print these pages in order to complete them, then scan them and submit them to your instructor.

PHI 103 Week 4 dq 1 responses

Need help with responding to these three discussion post 100 words each
Identify Three Fallacies  Instructor  Email this Author       2/27/2017 8:56:49 PM
Once you learn the names of the major logical fallacies, you will probably start noticing them all over the place, including in advertisements, movies, TV shows, and everyday conversations. This can be both fascinating and frustrating, but it can certainly help you to avoid certain pitfalls in reasoning that are unfortunately very common. This exercise gives you a chance to practice identifying fallacies as they occur in daily life.
Prepare: To prepare to address this prompt, carefully read through Chapter 7 of our book, paying special attention to learning the names of common fallacies, biases, and rhetorical tricks. Take a look as well at the required resources from this week. 
Reflect: Search through common media sources looking for examples of fallacies. Some common places to find fallacies include advertisements, opinion pieces in news media, and arguments about politics, religion, and other controversial issues. You may also notice fallacies in your daily life.
Write: Present three distinct informal logical fallacies you have discovered in these types of sources or in your life. Make sure to identify the specific fallacy committed by each example. Explain how the fallacies were used and the context in which they occurred. Then, explain how the person should have presented the argument to have avoided committing this logical error.
Guided Response: Read the fallacies presented by your classmates and analyze the reasoning that they have presented. Respond in a way that furthers the discussion. For example, you might comment on any of the following types of questions: Have ever seen or fallen for similar fallacies in your own life? Are any of the cases presented also instances of some other type of fallacy? Is there a sense in which the reasoning might not be fallacious in some cases? What can people do to avoid falling for such fallacies in the future?
1.       Week 4 Discussion 1        Rolland Mattoon Email this Author           3/1/2017 8:53:15 PM
Informal fallacies occur often and are often misleading.  The three informal logical fallacies selected for this discussion are the Oscars, social media and President Trump’s fake news stories.
The first fallacy occurred on Sunday night during the recent Oscar’s Award show.  Near the end of the show the presenter announced the wrong winner for an award.  The media believes that this could have been intentional to drive ratings.  Over the past two years the number of viewers has dropped 42% and by having such a major blunder will ensure that more viewers watch the next event for another potential error.
The fallacy here is that there is no evidence supporting the claim or that the error occurred on purpose.  The next fallacy is a fallacy of support.  The fallacy states that social medial is addictive and limits interpersonal communication.  Hardy states that “There is nothing wrong with this argument as an expression of a person’s belief”.  (Hardy, 2015).
The last fallacy is an example of a fallacy of clarity.  Recently in the news President Trump has been discussing the fake news outlets.  An example of an argument is the
P1) The news provides information
P2) The news is fake
C) Therefore, the information on the news is fake.
In this example the conclusion would be logical however there are unbiased news outlets in the market, for example NPR.
Hardy, J., Foster, C., & Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2015). With good reason: A guide to cirtical thinking [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
2. discussion 1   Barbara Lamb Email this Author 3/2/2017 2:17:26 PM
Plea to Belief:
All welfare recipients are lazy.
This is a plea to belief fallacy because it’s a common belief among society that everyone who receives government assistance is living off of the system In most cases, people recieve assistance for a short period of time interim jobs, or when they have another child.
I for a long time believed that because i got all of the same allergies that my father had, that I wouldn’t have any additional allergies.
This is a subjective fallacy because it was likely that I wouldn’t have gotten any additional allergies but just because I had the same allergies as my father, doesn’t mean I couldn’t have more than those allergies.
Begging the Question:
Mom’s not going to bed, because she’s not tired.
First off, WRONG, mom’s are always tired. But realistically, my niece jumped to the conclusion in her premise when she assumed that her Mother wasn’t tired and used it as her arguement. Instead she could have used premises such as, she just drank coffee or she just woke up as reasons that she may be concluded not to be tired.
3. Week four, Disc. 1, post1         Angela Yanni Email this Author  3/2/2017 5:28:42 PM
Hello Class,
     The first argument I found a fallacy with is something the president said.
” As we speak tonight, we are removing gang members, drug dealers, and criminals that threaten our communities and prey on our innocent citizens.” Trump, D.
This can be considered, in my opinion, a couple different fallacies.
First, it is Begging the Question in a Narrow Sense
P1: As we speak tonight (implication is that the speech is about the “so called” gang members, drug dealers and criminals) about non-citizens. [This also has to be implied if you do not know he is speaking about undocumented immigrants]
C: We are removing the “gang members, drug dealers, and criminals that threaten our communities and prey on our innocent citizens.
Putting his sentence, which is the basis of an argument stating that he has already started doing something good, however, all he is saying is as he talks about non-citizens, his administration is out removing them.
If we add words, to create more of an argument, It will become Argumentum ad Baculum
                P1: Non-citizens are gang members, drug dealers, and criminals.
                P2: Non-citizens threaten our communities and prey on our innocent citizens
                C: As we speak tonight, we are removing these non-citizens, which makes citizens safer.
Argumentum ad Baculum is associated with speaking or writing in a way that scares the audience into agreeing with you. Politics is a great place to observe this type of rhetoric.
A. Yanni

Why would people want to work for this organization?

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. You will apply your learning by presenting an overall HR plan for an organization that you have chosen to work on throughout the course (fictitious or real). This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to consider and recommend actions to management on how the organization can be most competitive in the global environment by utilizing the organizations best asset; its human resources.
Development of the Plan
You will come up with a fictitious organization or you can use a real organization that is familiar throughout the course. The end product is a paper that presents a comprehensive HR plan for the organization that includes the concepts that you have learned from the text and outside resources.
Parameters for the organization:
You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization. Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.
Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources. Analyze based on this premise.
Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place.
Your organization can produce a product or perform a service.
Requirements for the Overview of the organization
Description of what the organization does and organizational structure. Be specific. You may include an organizational chart.
How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished?
Is the organization domestic or international? Locations?
Who are the competitors?
What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?
What is the culture like?
How is information communicated?
Why would people want to work for this organization?
HR Topics that MUST be addressed in the paper
Recruitment and Selection: Include the job description and interview questions . A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.
Compensation and Benefits: Include the compensation package for each position. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.
Performance Management: Include a performance appraisal and management system.A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.
Training Program: Include a training program overview. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.
Other topics of interest for your plan: This is a free topic area. You can discuss union affiliation, diversity, succession planning, retention, or any topic that we have studied in the course that pertains to your plan.
Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least ten (10) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources). In addition, include a properly formatted APA cover page, an abstract, a properly formatted Introduction andConclusion, and a minimum of 10 pages of double spaced written content. Cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.
lesson attached

Why is allopatric speciation much more likely to occur than sympatric speciation?

Why is allopatric speciation much more likely to occur than sympatric speciation? Give an example of allopatric speciation that is not in your book. Use outside sources to do research on the question as needed and cite appropriately (APA)The post Why is allopatric speciation much more likely to occur than sympatric speciation? first appeared on Nursing School Essays.

Describe the required elements of a simple logic model and key variables to make a generic logic model for comprehensive performance evaluation (CPE)

What is performance architecture?Week 1 Discussion
Question B
What is performance technology? If you do not know, conduct some independent research regarding this topic and using a performance map for an organization of your choice.
Week 1 AssignmentInfluencing the “investment orientation” of an organization.Answer the following questions:
What is performance?What is performance technology?Briefly describe the business logics model.What does it mean to adopt an investment perspective?Briefly describe what can result in enhanced financial performance.Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages following proper APA format. Be sure to utilize outside resources in order to back up your plan with data/theories that have proven to be a success. Outside research is required for this assignment.
Week 2 Discussion
Modeling Mastery Performance and Systematically Deriving Enablers for Performance Improvement
Modeling mastery performance and systematically deriving the enablers generates data for use in downstream improvement efforts, including additional analyses, design, and development efforts. What are two linked sets or data that are produced from the current-state view of master performers who have proven that high performance levels are attainable? What are three performance variables that may need changing?
Week 2 Assignment
The Full Scoop on Full-Scope EvaluationAfter reviewing this week’s reading, explain full-scope evaluation and its importance within the workplace. Expand upon your thoughts on what makes full-scope evaluation different from a simple evaluation. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages following APA essay format. Your responses should be back up by scholarly outside research.
Week 2 Project Outline
Project OutlineReview the information on the following website: Following these guidelines, create an effective outline for your final project. This work should follow proper APA format. Submit your work for grading by uploading your completed assignment as an attachment.
Week 3 Discussion
Alignment in Your Organization?
Does your organization properly align management and IT? If you don’t know or are unemployed, conduct some independent research regarding this topic for an organization of your choice. If so, what are some of the HR issues and challenges related to technology? If not, how could they be?
Week 3 Assignment
Title and Reference PagesPart 1
Review the information on the following website: Following these guidelines, create a title page and reference page (containing at least five scholarly resources) for your final project. It is expected that the reference page will expand by the end of week 8, however, take the time to begin gathering your resources. This work should follow proper APA format. Submit your work for grading by uploading your completed assignment as an attachment.
Part 2 – Understanding Organizational Change
Change can often lead to a decreased morale and productivity level within the workplace. There are many tools that can be utilized to create a seamless transition within the workplace when change is inevitable. Using scholarly research, explain why change often leads to decreased morale and productivity and what can be done to avoid this in the workplace.
Week 3 Assignment
Understanding Organizational ChangeOrganizational change can be difficult, and may be resisted by some, but must be managed effectively to facilitate organizational performance.
Answer the following questions:
What are certain critical HR functions should remain internal to the organization?How is instruction used as a performance intervention?What are some different approaches to align business in growing organizations?In what situations would each approach be used? Use specific examples.How can an HPT professional help organizations effectively communicate between the management and production?Write a 2-3 page paper using APA format for references.
Week 4 Disucssion
Human Requirements in Workspace Design?Explain workplace design, causes of performance gaps, staffing requirements, and identify categories of interventions that may improve performance. Make sure to justify your answer to this question based on your research.
Support your opinions by referencing sources such as the textbook or other internet research. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Week 4 Assignment
Six Sigma and the HPT Practitioner!Part 1
Employment law requires HR practices that fit within the context of applicable laws in order to avoid significant costs (both monetary and reputation) of non-compliance. As a HPT practitioner, briefly explain the tools of a Six Sigma toolbox that a DMAIC team of a large organization could use. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages following APA essay format. Your responses should be back up by scholarly outside research.
Part 2 – Project Abstract
As you continue working towards the completion of your final project, you will complete the project abstract. Your abstract will consist of a concise summary of the key points of your research. A good abstract summarizes the key points of your paper without providing unnecessary detail. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.
Week 5 Discussion
Which Type is Best?
Now that you know a bit more about the over-reliance on quantitative methods in the field of HPT and widespread use of written questionnaires, discuss why the type of methodology employed should be driven by the research questions rather than being selected because of preconceived notions about scientific rigor. Make sure to justify your answer to this question based on your research.
Week 5 Assignment
Analyze and Evaluate Human Performance TechnologyNow that you have a good understanding of human performance technology, explain the most frequently used means of gathering data in the field of human performance technology (HPT). Why is this important to an organization? What can go wrong?
Use scholarly research to back up your thoughts in this assignment. Your work should be a minimum of 2 pages following APA format.
Week 6 Discussion
Critical ThinkingCompare and contrast the four evaluation methods. Give an example of an organization in which each of the four methods might provide an optimal strategic fit.
Support your opinion by referencing sources such as the textbook or other internet research. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Week 6 Assignment
Management’s ongoing partner!We are well on the way to that partnership goal, but we are certainly not there yet. A HPT model can successfully meet management’s ongoing needs.
In a 2 page minimum paper following APA format, please answer the following questions:
Can HPT ever be management’s partner on an ongoing basis?Can HPT be the partner that management cannot do without, management’s must-have partner, the go-to partner to continuously identify or help solve issues of work performance as they emerge?Can HPT become a partner that is not eliminated or severely reduced in numbers and influence in hard economic times?Is it not the hard times when work performance improvement is even more needed by management?Should HPT be part of the solution, rather than being perceived as part of the problem or something to be ignored?
Your responses should utilize scholarly research to back up your thoughts on this assignment.
Week 7 Dscussion
Knowledge ManagementSelect and organization of your choice and examine the extent to which it has established any processes or procedures to ensure knowledge retention of departing employees. If you do not know or are unemployed, conduct some independent research regarding this topic for an organization of your choice.
Support your opinions by referencing sources such as the textbook or other internet research. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Week 7 Asignment
Comprehensive Performance EvaluationThe typical objective of every human performance technologist, as well as every educator, professional development specialist, corporate trainer, human resources professional, middle-level manager, corporate executive, psychologist, coach, and self-help guru, is to create better human performance. In a 2 page minimum paper following APA format using scholarly research to back up your thoughts, please answer the following questions:
Describe the current evaluation models in HPT literature.Describe the theoretical variables for comprehensive performance evaluation.Describe the required elements of a simple logic model and key variables to make a generic logic model for comprehensive performance evaluation (CPE).
Week 7 Assignent RD
Project Rough DraftComplete the rough draft of your final project. This assignment should include the appropriate headings and other APA formatting. Submit your work for grading by uploading your completed assignment as an attachment. Please remember that a rough draft should be a completed project. Incomplete projects will not be considered for grading. This assignment will be reviewed and edited for your review in preparation for the final project submission next week.
Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.
Week 8
Final ProjectSubmit the Final AFTER you have completed the Student End of Course Survey
Throughout this course, you have been working on your final project. For this project, you will develop a proposal for a hypothetical performance dashboard project at your place of work or another organization of your choosing. The final paper must incorporate concepts and techniques covered in the course and should be persuasive in nature (“sell” your project to management).
The final project should be a minimum of 10 pages in length (not counting title page, abstract, and references) and written in APA format.
Complete the final draft of your project.
Be sure to make corrections based on feedback from your rough draft submitted in Week 7.
Submit your work for grading by uploading your completed assignment as an attachment.

During a marathon, runners draw heavily on their internal reserves of glycogen (carbohydrate) and triglyercides (fat) to fuel muscle contraction.

During a marathon, runners draw heavily on their internal reserves of glycogen (carbohydrate) and triglyercides (fat) to fuel muscle contraction. Initially, energy is derived mostly from carbohydrates, with increasing amounts of fat being used as the race progresses. If runners use up their muscle glycogen reserves before they finish the race, they hit what is known as ‘the wall’, a point of diminished performance that arises because fatty acids from triglyceride breakdown cannot be delivered to the muscles quickly enough to sustain maximum effort. One trick that marathon runners use to avoid the wall is to drink a cup of strong black coffee an hour or so before the race begins. Coffee contains caffeine, which is an inhibitor of cylic AMP phosphodiesterase. How do you suppose inhibition of this enzyme helps them avoid the wall?

Distinguish the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression.

Prepare a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you differentiate between the humanities and other modes of human inquiry and expression. Be sure to address the following items in your paper:
Define the term humanities.Distinguish the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression.List a currentexample of each type of the following humanities and explain why each example you provide reflects current developments in politics, socioeconomics, and/or technology:ArtMusicArchitecturePhilosophyLiteratureFormat your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Note: Use your Course Readings as a point of reference for this assignment. If you need additional sources, use the University Library. If you use the Internet to find sources, you should only access credible and reliable Internet sites such as those affiliated with a museum, magazine, newspaper, educational institution, or arts organization, for example. You should not use sites like Wikipedia,,, or blogs, for example.
For this assignment, it is important that you get a wide range of humanities definitions and not solely rely on a dictionary definition. Doing so will help you think about how to discuss the humanities examples you choose.

topic 8 Q1, Q2

Q1 â
What are some insights you gained while studying psychological testing and assessment instruments as applied to the future of counseling? How might psychological testing and assessment of special population clients, including adolescents, victims of domestic violence, and those with a co-occurring disorder be applied in the future?
Q2 â
What are the three most important concepts that you learned throughout this course? Explain their significance, why you found them to be the most important items learned, and how you will use this knowledge in future practice?
Cohen, R., Swerdlik, M., & Sturman, E. (2013). Psychological assessment and testing. New York: McGraw-HillThe post topic 8 Q1, Q2 first appeared on Nursing School Essays.