children observation, psychology homework help





Needs Improvement


Background Information

4 points maximum

Includes clear, concise information about the developmental and social history of the child. The background information should frame the observation.

Several pre-observation impressions and subsequent comments are included to add to the reader’s understanding

Few to no pre-observation impressions and subsequent comments are included to add to the reader’s understanding


4 points maximum

Provides a detailed description of what was observed, including the actions, speech, appearance, and affect of the child.

Observations of the child’s behavior are presented objectively and without bias.

Includes a general description of what was observed, including the several but not all of the following: actions, speech, appearance, affect of the child, observers reactions, impressions and tentative inferences

Observations of the child’s behavior are occasionally presented with subjective appraisal(s) (with bias).

Includes a description of what was observed, including 1-2 of the following: actions, speech, appearance, affect of the child, observers reactions, impressions and tentative inferences

Observations of the child’s behavior are routinely presented with subjective appraisal(s) (with bias).

Analysis and Interpretation

4 points maximum

Includes clearly expressed interpretation of the child’s observed behavior. It should include an evaluation of the child’s developmental status, with regard to behaviors observed. Provide possible explanations / rationale for observed behaviors. Speak to the child’s strengths / needs as it relates to their development (as observed).

Includes clearly expressed thoughts about what was observed, some mention is made to behavior that raised additional questions about the child was mentioned

Cursory thoughts are expressed about the child based upon observed behavior.


4 points maximum

Whether the child you observed is developing typically or atypically, identify the next developmental steps and speaking to those, offer strategies to support the child’s next phases of development.

APA format

10 points maximum

The paper is double-spaced, 12 point font, and incorporates APA format, including but not limited to the handling of headings, references, citations, word usage, punctuation, spelling [CUPS].

The paper contains a couple of CUPS errors, and/or minor APA infractions

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