English assignment help

The assignment must be at least 1 page long and  answer ALL of these questions. Incomplete assignments will not be accepted.

  1. What is your current grade, what grade did you hope to earn?My answer  (my grades 116 out of 282 points)

  2. Why do you not have the grade you hoped for? (Please give real examples of what you did or didn’t do to receive your current grade)My answer (Because it’s my first semester ….)

  3. What was the reason you didn’t follow the class expectations?My answer( had a lot of H.W in other clasess)

  4. What strategies will you use to make sure you earn the grade you want in the future?My answer(make schedule for all clasess)

  5. Why should you be able to make up your work when most students were able to get it done in time? Is that fair to other members of your class?                            please leas than one hour.

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