Week 1 Project Milestone

How is everyone doing with the first assignment for the Final Project Milestone. You know these assignments are a weekly process of writing an essay from idea to finished product, or final essay. We start with an idea: How to motivate high school students. Then we do a bit of research on this topic and discover ideas from other sources that resonate with what you believe to be the best ways to motivate students to stay in HS and graduate. You create three motivating factors. And finally you put them into a thesis statement that might go something like this:  “Motivating high school students is difficult but not impossible, if we incorporate _________, ___________, ___________, into the curricula of high schools across the country.

Now you want to look into each of your ideas (motivating factors) to find others that have written information to support them. You want to introduce each idea one at a time in the body of the essay, after you have placed the thesis statement you wrote at the end of your introductory paragraph.

Hope some of this fundamental writing process will help you to organize your workload for this week’s as

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