Humanities Week 10 Follow:up Question to Discussion 1 Answer

NOTE: Follow-up Question

Any thoughts that you have on the soliloquy as a form to be used in drama and/or what it accomplishes in the dramatic work?  

To what extent do you sympathize with Hamlet?  

With respect to Hilary Clinton, would be helpful to describe the context you see.  What conference is referred to here, and what would have occasioned her reflections?  


Discussion 1 provided by the professor:

“Shakespeare” Please respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

  • Discuss your reaction to the character of Hamlet in the two (2) soliloquies from the text. Consider the extent to which you sympathize with him and / or think he is self-absorbed. Explain the manner in which the literary form of soliloquy shapes your view of Hamlet. Identify one (1) or two (2) lines (except “To be, or not to be”) that you find interesting or favor, and explain your choice. Pretend you are a modern leader or celebrity facing personal crisis, such as Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mandela, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Beyoncé, or some other; write a few lines of soliloquy, thinking aloud in front of the audience. (No need to sound Shakespearean).

Your answer: 


The soliloquy implies that Hamlet was weighing up the benefits of both the options of life or death. He considers that the continuation of life implies having to deal with the constant struggles in his life. On the other hand, the option of death would imply that would be the cause of eternal peace even though it was through suicide. The soliloquy demonstrates the true character of Hamlet as portrayed in the text. For instance, it shows that the melancholy that he feels is not an entire fabrication. Rather, it shows that Hamlet is truthfully emotionally disturbed by the events that occur in his life (Charney, 2014).

By portraying his contemplation, the soliloquy defines the utmost character of Hamlet. More so, the soliloquy is evidence that Hamlet does not only act but he is a thinker. He contemplates before he can act on his thoughts. Another example of soliloquy is “o what a rogue and peasant slave am I” which is spoken by Hamlet in contemplation (Levin, 2013). This soliloquy is relevant in emphasizing the troubles that he was going through. The implication of the use of soliloquy is that audience sympathizes with him and perceive him as who he represents.

As Hillary Clinton some of the soliloquy statements after declining to attend the forum; “they are aware that I don’t agree with their suggestions” In reflection to the justification of failure to attend the secretaries forum. Also,” I have made a mistake” to imply that repercussions of fear in reduction in popularity after failure to attend the forum. “I cannot intimidate people who support me” in defense of the principles I stand for.


Chapter 19 (pp. 650-656), selections 19.11a and 19.11b. Soliloquy defined on p. 653; review  Week 10 Music Folder.

Charney, M. (2014). Hamlet’s fictions. Routledge.

Levin, R. (2013). Hamlet, Laertes, and the Dramatic Functions of Foils. Hamlet: New Critical 

Essays, 215-30.

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