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Conceptual Analysis:The final section of the assignment should be a 2-3 paragraph analysis of the experience as it relates to the core concepts discussed in the course (ie. leisure as a condition of being, leisure behavior and healthy living, leisure and life span, culture and leisure, issues and trends in leisure, etc.) Students will need to demonstrate integration of course content through 1-2 citations in this section of the paper.

How has this experience changed your perception of leisure from the start of class to now?  How has the experience helped you to synthesis the importance of leisure as a component of human behavior?  Various definitions of leisure were discussed in class and in the online discussions. Apply 1 (or more) of the definitions to the experience and explain. How does this experience relate to life satisfaction and well being?

Issues and current trends in recreation are discussed in the readings and lectures. Does your experience support any of the content discussed? Explain.

What course concepts does my participation in this activity relate to?

Leisure and people with disabilities (PWD) was one of the course lectures. Can you visualize PWD participating in the activity you selected? Separately? Inclusively? 

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