need help about Patterns of World History homework.

 Here are the questions:

(just choose one to write, 5-10 sentences, and write one extra credit question)

1) – in Chapter 6, between all of these cultures, what is the most important similarity? The most important difference? Are the cultures in America and Africa more similar or more different?

2) In chapter 6, in Africa what were three important factors that brought about society? What were the three most important factors preventing society from becoming any more developed?

3) In chapter 6, in the Americas what were three important factors that brought about society? What were the three most important factors preventing society from becoming any more developed?

4) Of these cultures in Chapters 6 and 7, which one was most amazing? Why? Which one would have you liked to live in as an average citizen? Why?

5) There is a lot of focus here on war. Is it appropriate? Why or why not? Why might there be such a focus on war in history?

6) You have a lot of religions here. How much did politics shape the rise of these religions? Other than religion, what is the greatest contribution of the time period covered by these two chapters?

Extra credit:
What you see here are the questions that I came up. What might be some other good questions?

This is the information about the book:

Patterns of World History, Brief. Edition, Volume 1 • 2012 ISBN-13978-0-19-994375-3

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