PSY 303 Controversy: Culturally Bound Syndromes and Symptoms


Before you begin working on this discussion, please read the article by Wen-Shing (2006) as well as the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.

For this discussion, you will enter into another conversation on an ongoing controversy and contemporary issue regarding abnormal psychology. Specifically, are there psychological syndromes and symptoms that appear only in certain cultures?
Because this topic is not covered explicitly in your course textbook, it is absolutely essential to read the Wen-Shing (2006) article, guidelines 1, 2 and 5 from the “Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists,” and your instructor’s initial post before responding.

As you enter into this conversation, carefully consider the historical information you read regarding the discovery and identification of symptoms and syndromes that could potentially be bound to specific cultures. Then, take a moment to relate this historical background to the current ethical, clinical, and social considerations when working with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Interpret specific symptoms and syndromes as they relate to abnormal behavior from a culturally sensitive standpoint. Be sure to integrate knowledge of any appropriate cultural considerations psychologists must be aware of when working with individuals from backgrounds dissimilar to their own.

A simple agree or disagree statement is insufficient to be counted as a response. When presenting your opinion, cite relevant sources (beyond your text) to support your statements. Do not repeat what your classmates have already written, and do not ignore them if they ask you questions. Any questions asked of you must be answered, including questions from your instructor. Try to keep the conversation moving forward by presenting options, insights, alternative ideas on and/or interpretations of the topics and research.

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