the Anderson text and Journal 4 – Wk 2 – Eng294 homework

Journal 4

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In the Anderson text, on, and in the course module which you read last week, you will find several examples of different forms of poems: sonnets of fourteen lines, haiku of 17 syllables, villanelles with a set rhyme scheme — and so on.

Pick one of these forms and write a draft of a poem — a rough draft — to get you writing inside of a formal structure. Structure can be difficult, but it is also a way to help you get started; you can fill in the blanks rather than have to entirely inspired by something new. Make sure to identify the type of poetic form you selected.

  • You can pick either style listed below:
  • sonnets of fourteen lines, haiku of 17 syllables, villanelles with a set rhyme scheme

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