Why is important to help students build academic language skills? What are some strategies for building academic language skills from this topic that you will use in your classroom?

Answer each question with 200 words.

  1. Why is important to help students build academic language skills? What are some strategies for building academic language skills from this topic that you will use in your classroom?
  2. What is the difference between effective praise and ineffective praise? How is praise the same or different than feedback? What were you more responsive to as a student – feedback or praise? Why?
  3. View the video Analyzing Texts: Overview of a Lesson Series. What did you notice about integrating a variety of ELA standards and strategies? Which practices are you likely to adopt? Why?https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/analyzing-text-lesson
  4. Review the Class Profile (attached). List three observations or factors specific to this group of students that you think should be taken into consideration when determining content and instructional strategies? Explain your reasoning.
  5. What should teachers know about accommodations for students with disabilities? What types of accommodations are commonly used for students with disabilities? What are the teacher’s responsibilities for students with disabilities who use accommodations?
  6. Describe a scenario in which it would be appropriate to make instructional modifications. Discuss specific techniques for modifying instructional methods and materials.

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