3.Can modern vaccine should di… Show more RABIES 1.Most danderous site of dog bite? 2.Can bite wound

3.Can modern vaccine should di… Show more RABIES 1.Most danderous site of dog bite? 2.Can bite wound cauterize? 3.Can modern vaccine should diluted with tetanus toxoid or water for injury or any other diluents for administration? 4.Can we apply local abor antimicrobial at the site of bite? 5.Accidentaly a modern vaccine was kept in freezer, can it be used? 6.A dog become unavailable for obs from day-4 and patient was given modern vaccine upto day-7(0,3,7) ,subsequently from day-8 it became reappeared, What should be done? 7.A patient receive 2 dose(0,3) of vacine ,bittingdog was well upto day 7(0,3,7)but not given However dog die within day 8-14 any day. what should be done? 8.If a healthy dog bitten by a rabid dog and the healthy dog bite to you, Should he/she take rabies vaccine or not? 9.What drugs are contraindicated during rabies vaccination? 10.What should be the time gap between RIG and vaccine? 11.Is hydrophobia sign in rabid animal? 12.what is about carrier stage of rabies in dog? 13.A vaccinated pet dog is bitten by a rabid animal ,Then what should owner do? • Show less

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