The justification for implementing an improved Accounting and Control (AC) function, final project help


I have completed my final project for the most part. I’m hoping to get it all around looked at to make sure that everything is on track.

The following are the directions for the assignment.


Prepare a complete slide presentation for the Board of Directors (BOD) outlining the justification for implementing an improved Accounting and Control (AC) function describing activities, applications, justification and benefits of implementing an operating unit. Use the Power Point Format (syllabus ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) for slide ideas. Your slides must convince the BOD of the many advantages of AC unit and highlight specific initiatives that the AC unit will address in your company. Offer examples where applicable and provide concrete problem/action/result strategies to overcome apparent company obstacles. Your slides should be no less than 25 (excluding welcome slide) and provide good graphics and tabulated data to support your examples. 

I have also attached a document that explains the formatting.



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