Individual reflection writing (1500 words) of communication for business, business and finance homework help

Task Description: 

When you work with others on the Group Analytical Report you will experience a number of communication processes in action and have the opportunity to reflect on your role and contribution to the group, and how this group work experience compares with others you have been involved with. You will also receive feedback from your peers on your contribution to group tasks and maintenance of group dyanmics. 

For Assessment Item 3 you are required to write an individual and in-depth reflection about your groupwork experience in this unit. The practice of reflecting on your experience and learning will also assist you in identifying your most valuable communication skills and assets in preparation for Assessment Item 4. 

Your individual reflection should be structured in three sections. Each section should comprise approximately 500 words, for a total of 1500 words. 

Section 1: What have you learned about groups and teams and how will this shape your group work in the future? 

Section 2: What types of diversity were present in your group and how did this shape your group’s ability to complete the task? 

Section 3: What is one communication skill you have developed during this group experience, and what is one communication skill you still need to work on? How did you develop this new skill, and how do you plan to improve in the area you have identified?

Task Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%) 

Assessment Criteria: Use knowledge of communication theory to recognise its relevance to organisational and individual success. 

Critically reflect on your experience of individual and group communication with reference to communication theory. 

Link to Unit’s Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcome 2 


PS : I’m asian guy in this group. Other members are natives and are women. This is the first time studying in English. I think I’m not good at discussing with different language which is not mother tongue. The thing is just different language. In spite of that points, I made it well. They say my problem was that I lacked confidence in my work. Because when I was chatting or talking in person, I would hesitate to speak out cuz not sure some phrases are right and exact words. I think I might have lack of verbal skills in person or in word. The positive thing is now i could be learning and absorbing lots of knowledges, informations like how to deal with group work and communication skills in this class and in group work.

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