Why you think this country would be a great place for your product?, course management help

1. Why you think this country would be a great place for your product?

2. What are the economic challenges of entering this country? How do you plan to deal with it?

3. What are political challenges of entering this country? How do you plan to deal with it?

4. What are the cultural challenges of entering this country? How do you plan to deal with it?

5. What would be your preferred mode of entry into that country and provide a rationale for doing so?

6. How would you manage the global competitive dynamics of competing in that country? Who is your competition? How do you intend to deal with existing competitors in that country? Why do you think your product will be better than the products offered by your competitors

Our country is India and our product is smartphone. I need catalog and 12 pages not include title page and reference pages

7. What would be your marketing strategy in that country? Who are you targeting? How are you going to reach your customers? What is the marketing tag line for your product?

8. Conclusion: Summarizing how and why you will be successful in that country.

9. APA style with headings and sub-headings is mandatory. Also, have a Table of Contents with page numbers and all the headings and sub-headings from your paper.

10. Mandatory source: Country Commercial Guide to __________.

Our country is India and product is smartphone I need 12 pages and catalog, 12 pages didn’t including reference page and title page

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