CMWKTWO – The Role of Values In Research

Please answer the questions below. No outline needed, just answers to the questions. The underlined words are links to references for you to use or not to help you complete the assignment. Please let me know if you have any questions. Read about axiology and values in inquiry in the Encyclopedia of Communication Theory to find out if value-free research is possible, if you need a reference.

Then, thinking like a research scholar, please select and defend one the following positions in 1.5 – 2 paragraphs:

Position #1: Research should always be value free.

Position #2: Research will have values, but should be free of values in areas concerned with verification of results.

Position #3: Research will inevitably be influenced by values. Therefore, we must be aware of how these values will influence our research.

Position #4: Values are a desirable part of the research process.

Position #5: Values negatively affect the research process.

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