
1:Application of the Hero’s Journey
Apply each of the 17 stages to Star Wars. Determine which event in the movie represents each stage.
2:Character Analysis for Star Wars
Answer all three sections of the character analysis for each of the following characters:
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Leia Organa
Obi Wan Kenobi
Darth Vader
Artoo Detoo
See Threepio
Grand Moff Tarkin
3: Critical Thinking for Star Wars
Answer each of the bullet points in all five sections for Star Wars.
There 3 need to do which all about the stars war: A New Hope, In the document they will tell how to do for each assignment, feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question. feel free to ask me question.
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