Assignment 2.1 – Implementation of Solomon Enterprises MS Access 2013/16 Database, homework help

this is the third time i am try to get some to do this work . all the tutors who do this didn’t do the work correct.

Assignment 2.1 – Implementation of Solomon Enterprises MS Access 2013/16 Database

Please submit the Solomon Enterprises MS Access 2013/16database — named after your LAST_NAME — you created in BC207 class room on 10/05 & 10/10 with the following database objects (Tasks 1 to 8):

1. Create Employee, Customer, Concrete Type, Truck, and Order tables using MS Access 2013/16 and establish relational and business-critical integrity constraints – 20 points

2. Enter data for all the tables using Assignment 2.1 MS Excel data file 5 points

3. Create a query using the QBE tool to find the “Gross Sales” – 5 points

4. Create a query using the QBE tool to find “Triple A Homes favorite driver” (refer to Chapter 6 slide 34) – 10 points

5. Create a query using the QBE tool to find “Total Amount of Concrete (in cubic yards and sorted in ascending order) Sold for all Concrete Types” – 15 points

6. Create a query using the QBE tool to find “Best and Worst Revenue Generating Customers” – 15 points

7. Create a query using the QBE tool to find “Best and Worst Revenue Generating Concrete Types ” – 15 points

8. Create a query using the QBE tool to find “Customers and Concrete types that have Generated Revenue (ascending order) above $10,000” – 15 points

Note: You need to submit (upload) one electronic file — Solomon Enterprises MS Access 2013/16 database — named after your LAST_NAME — showing Tasks 1 to 8 as output for

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