Book review

Write a review of the book “The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be” by Moises Naim about 10 pages with APA style with the instructions followed:

  • Introduction – should be at least 4-5 sentences
    • Provide a brief introduction to your paper including the book you chose (title, author, year of publication), perhaps why you chose your particular book, and the topics that will be addressed in your paper.
  • Book Summary – should be about 1-2 pages
    • Identify the highlights of the book. Summarize the book’s key points, main themes, and new ideas.
  • Critical Analysis – This section should make up the bulk of your paper – about 5-6+ pages (refer to the “Critiquing These Popular Books” section on p. 8-9 of your text book for a more detailed explanation of the below criteria)
    • Examine the source and basis for the book.
    • Examine the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s arguments.
    • Examine the quality of the data/database or experience upon which the book is developed, and other elements. Specifically, you must thoroughly evaluate and assess, on a 10-point scale (1 = low, 10 = high) these criteria (p. 9 of text book) and providestrong and consistent supporting arguments for each:
      • Author credentials and their relevance
      • Rationale
      • Face validity
      • Target audience/Identified market for the book
      • Author’s integration of existing knowledge
      • Readability/interest level
      • Internal validity
      • Reliability/Consistency
      • Distinctiveness
      • Objectivity
      • External validity
      • Practicality/ease of application
    • Note. It is possible that all of the above criteria will not be applicable to your chosen book. If that is the case, you should still address all criteria and explain in your opinion why a particular criterion is not applicable.
  • Integration – about 3-4 pages
    • Integrate the book with the course readings (the textbook and articles). Show where and how the ideas relate or where they are inconsistent to the other course readings. Stretch your mind a bit! This is your opportunity to really shine.
  • Conclusion – should be at least 5-6 sentences.
    • Offer a brief review of what was discussed in the paper and closing thoughts.
    • Given the above analysis, how good is the book? Rate it on an overall 10-point scale. Explicitly explain how you reached your conclusion. How does your overall conclusion reflect your analysis? Would you recommend that your busy boss spend a weekend reading it?

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