BUS 340 Contract and Purchase Negotiation Rewards discussion, business and finance homework help

“Rewards” Please respond to the following:

John Doe, your subordinate, has been working been working long hours and meeting all of the deadlines on a high profile project for your company. Propose two (2) types of non-monetary rewards that you believe, as John’s boss, would both show your appreciation and motivate John to continue his high level of performance. Provide a rationale for your response.

Week 10 e-Activity

  • Watch the video titled, “How to Reward Your Employees” (3m 33s). Be prepared to discuss.Video Source: MrLivinlocal. (2009, December 10). How to Reward Your Employees [Video file]. Retrieved from http://youtu.be/AC8lLtXFPaY This video can be viewed from within your online course shell.
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