case study in management , business and finance homework help

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i want you write a 8 to 10 pages in the fowlloing and i need 5 different reference

a.What is the company’s generic strategy and is it implemented well? Provide a brief discussion of what functional level strategies the company uses to fulfill its strategy. If the current strategy is not clear, identify issues and give examples of implementation problems. You can more fully discuss the success or shortcomings of the company in the VRIN or value chain analysis. You should propose how the company can better clarify and develop their strategy in the recommendations section.

b.How well does the company meet the key success factors you identified in the external/industry analysis? You must refer back to the list of key success factors you identified in the industry analysis and rate your company on those factors. Please give examples of what your company does to fulfill KSF and examples of what competitors do better than your company.

As you may cover some of content raised in this section later in the VRIN analysis or the value chain analysis, you can briefly address whether the company fulfills the key success factor, note your reasons and refer the reader to the section where this may be more fully discussed later in the company analysis.

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