CEO of TJX on how to train first class buyers, business and finance homework help


Week 4

Made in America, Again–Made in America.pdf

CEO of TJX on how to train first class buyers- access through NU On-line library

Week 4 Discussion 2: Weekly Questions

Choose one of the three questions below. Share your response to the chosen prompt.

  1. (300 – 400 Word Min) Sourcing from overseas can be very profitable for a firm. Name a good reason for sourcing from overseas. Support your answer with examples from the popular business press.
  2. (300 – 400 Word Min) Sourcing from overseas can also be very risky for a firm. Name a risk of sourcing from overseas. Support your answer with examples from the popular business press.
  3. (300 – 400 Word Min) Offshoring has given way to reshoring and near-shoring. There are many examples of firms in the popular business press that have stopped using overseas suppliers and returned to domestic suppliers. Name such a company and explain why they chose to reshore or near-shore.

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