
In “What Does My Headscarf Mean to You? Ms. Magied explains that bias is the result of diversity and is prevalent in the workplace. She says “Bias can be about race, it can be about gender. It can also be about class, education, disability. The fact is, we all have biases against what’s different, what’s different to our social norms.”

Further, she explains that biases, whether conscious or unconscious, are shaped by our experiences, culture, and lifestyles – or as our text calls it “our culture”. One could say those biases are simply an extension of our diversity as individuals. Naturally, our biases affect not only our worldview, but also our decision making—sometimes without us even knowing. Biases also affect the way we communicate.

Reflect on the TedTalk or listen to the talk by assessing this link Consider the following questions as you prepare your reflection/journal entry response:

  1. What about her discussion of unconscious bias was most interesting to you? Why?

2. How has unconscious bias affected you and what unconscious bias do you have?

3. How would you remedy unconscious bias in the workplace?

4. What was the author’s suggestion for remedying unconscious bias? Why would this work?

These questions are due in your Journal by Wednesday, January 23rd.

Journal Entry 2 – Reflect on the discussion on our diversity discussions and the set of questions as they relate to and impact communication and answer the following questions in your Journal. (Answer the following three questions in your journal entry.)

1. How can bias – conscious our unconscious – impact communication? Where does that impact happen in the Communication Model?

2. List at least three areas Ms. Magied sited that could lead to miscommunication as a result of diversity.

3. What tools would you use to improve communication in each of the instances you site.

The answers to these questions are due in your Journal by Friday, January 27th.

answer each quistion precisly

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