Enterprise Environmental Factors and Organizational Process Assets, management homework help

“Our team meetings on environmental factors and organizational process assets have been very productive,” says Jim. “Thanks for getting this project charter moving in the right direction.”

“Anytime,” you say.

“So, based on our last team meeting, do you think we are ready for a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis?” asks Jim.

“I think we have enough information to assess the risk traits and opportunities that exist within the organization,” you say.

“Have you ever prepared a SWOT analysis?” asks Jim

“I have,” you say. “Prior to working at TGC, I was an associate project manager for an engineer firm on the West Cost.”

“Oh, that’s great!” says Jim, handing you a document saying, “Do you think you can update the project charter for me?” Click here for the project charter template.

“Sure,” you say looking at the document. “How much of this do you want me to complete?”

“I think Sections 1–5.3 will be enough,” says Jim.

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