Falls & Fall Risk Reduction and Promoting Safety.

Falls & Fall Risk Reduction and Promoting Safety.

Question(s): Mention and discuss Fall Risk Assessment Instruments (at least 3).

Also, mention signs and symptoms of traumatic brain Injury in older adults (mention at least 5).

Guidelines: APA format, The answer should be based on the knowledge obtained from reading the book, no just your opinion.

Chapter 15 – Falls & Fall Risk Reduction.

Chapter 16 – Promoting Safety.


Ebersole and Hess’ Gerontological Nursing and Healthy Aging 5th

Author: Theris A. Touhy; Kathleen F. Jett

Edition: 5th, Fifth, 5e Year: 2017

ISBN 13: 9780323401678 (978-0-323-40167-8)

ISBN: 0323401678 (0-32

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