Georges t shirt, case study help

This is a group case study, I just need help for 5 pages write up. Another member will go further on calculations…

Format for Case Studies

Your case study should include but not be limited to the following format.

Executive Summary of the case – This is a paragraph or two about the facts in the case.Be brief, but be thorough.This should be in summary format.

Decision Problem – This should be a statement of the decision or decisions the case is asking you to make.

Decision Alternatives & Evaluation – This will walk us through your process.You may want to look for triggers that cause you to question your alternatives.Look for boxes you have created for yourself in the analysis process.Remember we have spent a lot of time giving you examples of thinking outside of the box.You may want to discuss the various decisions or possible decisions you examined.You may want to state the result of the evaluation even if you reject the alternative when you come to a final conclusion.In this section you will make use of charts, graphs, tables such as influence diagrams, decision trees and all relevant statistical software available to you such as Excel and Treeage.

IMPORTANT: Your case analysis has to be completely the work of your team. If you seek help or information from any other source, published or unpublished, you MUST cite your sources, neglecting to do so, constitutes academic dishonesty. The paper will be given a grade of “F” if any of the paper is plagiarized. Only American Psychological Association (APA) style documentation is acceptable.

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