Have you been the victim of any stereotypes?, COM360 Week 2 Disc 1

Read the article, “A Foot in Each Culture: Howard University Law Professor Fights Racial Stereotypes” on to the U.S. Library of Congress Website. Then watch the video titled A Girl Like Me on the American Anthropological Association website. And finally, watch the brief interview with Dr. Kenneth Clark about his famous study. In your post, discuss your reactions to what you have learned and answer the following questions in at least 200 – 250 words:

  • Have you been the victim of any stereotypes?
  • What negative effects do stereotypes have on intercultural communication?
  • How can we improve understanding and communication among different subcultures in this country?

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings by Day 7. (You must create one initial post and at least two responses, for a minimum of three posts for this discussion.)

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