HR Questions, management homework help


  • Evaluate the types of employee testing that companies may require that are discussed in the text. Determine the two tests that you consider the most important. Support your reasoning.
  • Go to Human Metric’s Website and take the Jung Typology Test™ (sample of the Myers Briggs personality test). Next, examine your test results. Determine whether you believe this type of personality test is beneficial to an organization. Support your position.
  • Compare and contrast the structured interview, situational interview, and behavioral interview. Determine which type of interview would be more beneficial when interviewing applicants. Support your selection.
  • In the selection of the candidate, determine if the manager should make the final choice or if others should be included in the final decision. Support your position.
  • Read the attached article titled “The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change”. Next, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira. Synthesize the change based on Kotter’s eight (8) steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira followed the Kotter model. Select one (1) of the steps to assess and determine if Oliveira accomplished this step. Why was this an important step? Comment on how following the model may have made his change successful.
  • Discuss the key differences between internal and external consultants. Discuss which role you think would be more challenging and why.
  • Critique the following question from Peter Block, “The limitations of advice are more about the expectations of the client and the behavior of the consultant”? Then, illustrate this with an example from your life.
  • Research the talent management process within the company you currently work for or a company you are familiar with.
  • Choose which of the four (4) talent management approaches described in the video most closely describes the process at your selected company. Provide support for your response.
  • Propose at least one (1) improvement in talent management that you would suggest for your selected company. Assess the type of value this improvement will provide for the company’s goal.