I need answers for number 5 only,ignore the rest 3 (a) Give two examples of diseases which can be spread by contaminated drinking water. (b) How can

I need answers for number 5 only,ignore the rest
3 (a) Give two examples of diseases which can be spread by contaminated drinking water.
   (b) How can the spread of such diseases be prevented?
4 Suggest three ways in which food might become contaminated by harmful bacteria.
5 Which one of the following is least important in preventing the contamination of food?
   (a) Keeping food away from flies.
   (b) Washing the hands before preparing food.
   (c) Not coughing or sneezing over food.
   (d) Not smoking while preparing food.
6 The following events explain an outbreak of food poisoning in a factory canteen. Put the
events in the appropriate order.
   (a) Pathogenic bacteria in intestine.
   (b) Unwashed hands prepare food.
   (c) Kitchen worker has intestinal disease.
   (d) Outbreak of food poisoning.
   (e) Pathogenic bacteria in faeces.
   (f) Pathogenic bacteria get into food.
   (g) Hands not washed after defecation.
   (h) Faeces expelled in lavatory.
   (i) Food ingested by healthy people.