Identify moral and ethical issues you may face when caring for an uninsured or underinsured patient.

Identify moral and ethical issues you may face when caring for an uninsured or underinsured patient.3. Choose an ethical dilemma you might face in caring for this population.
4. Apply the MORAL model of ethical decision-making, Guido (2014) p. 44, to the chosen ethical dilemma.THE MODEL INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING STEPSM. Massage the dilemma:: Identify and define issues in the dilemma. Consider the opinions of the major players-patients, family ,members, nurses, physicians and other health care members.O. Outline the options::Examine all options fully, including the less realistic and conflicting ones. Make two lists identifying the pros and cons of all the options identified. This stage is designed to fully comprehend the options and alternatives available to make a final decision.R. Resolve the dilemma:: Review the issues and options, applying basic ethical principles of each option. decide the best option based on the views of all those concerned in the dilemma.A. Act by applying the chosen option::This step is usually the most difficult because it requires actual implementation, whereas the previous steps had allowed for only dialogue and discussion.L. Look back and evaluate::The entire process includes the implementation. NO process is complete without a thorough evaluation. Ensure that all those involved are able to follow through on the final option. If not, a second decision may be required and the process must start again at the initial step.PLEASE USE THIS BOOK AS ONE OF THE REFERENCESALSO INCULDE PAGE NUMBERS WITH REFERENCESBurkhardt, M. A., & Nathaniel, A. K. (2014). Ethics & issues in contemporary nursing (4th ed.) Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning


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