Interpreting the Exclusionary Rule, law homework help

Watch the video titled, “The Exclusionary Rule for Dummies – Mapp v Ohio and the 4th Amendment” (11 min 12 s). You can also view the video at Next, examine two (2) exceptions to the rule. Provide your opinion as to whether or not you believe that each of these exceptions is constitutional.

Based on the information found in this chapter related to stop and frisk, examine two (2) actions as they relate to the fourth (4th) amendment and the arrest process. In your opinion, which should have the greatest constitutional protection, stop or frisk? Provide a rationale for your response.


Circumstances must be observed and unusal conduct that leads to asking questions and making decisions based on the information.Intial police actions is the officer identifying self and making inquiries on whats going on.These two actions are important because misleading information or wrong information could turn bad on the officer or case.

Reasonable suspicion and probable cause relates to the fourth amendment because if they suspect something fowl going on they have the right to step in whethere the person likes it or not. Probable cause relates because it need to be reason for whatever the officer is doing or called upon .A officer can ask questions due to have suspicion but still there needs to be a reason if you stop someone in a car or you stop someone walking .Everything would be in questionong from the actions of the officers on call.

Frisk has the greatest process because anything during this time could go wrong from the tone of the person voice to a dead man on the scene.from could be brought in court becauuse one may feel inappropriately touched.The officer stops it can be called anything from a beating to whatever happens.Frisk is and can be challehed by the system.The officer intentions his training and how he conducts himself as an officer.

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