journal about the team, business and finance homework help

The Journal Objective:

Professor: S. E. Kohan

One of the most important skills you will learn in this class is communication. You will also learn to identify varying roles, personalities, and the properties of an effective team. To help you develop your communication skills and apply the concepts of the class workshops, you are required to keep a weekly journal.

Your journal will include your observations and impressions from the class each week. These would include the following:

  • •  Comments about the exercises the team completes in class

  • •  Insights about how the team is functioning

  • •  Progress or lack of progress that the team is making on the projects

  • •  Actions that you or the team take or fail to take

  • •  Leadership and communication that is occurring or failing to occur on the team

  • •  Reflections of what you are learning about yourself as the class progresses

  • •  Feelings and opinions about the members on the team

    You must relate your comments to the exercises and concepts discussed in class and results of the Glaser Workbook exercises. DO NOT REPEAT THE LESSON PLAN BACK TO ME! You may write about anything that you feel enhances the team development or limits the team from functioning at the greatest potential. You may write about specific barriers or incidents, which had a positive or negative effect on the team performance. Also, how did the team overcome any barriers?

    The Journal Guidelines:

    Journals need to be completed following each class so the events are fresh in your mind. I will be the only one reading your journal; the material in your journal will be treated with confidentiality and not discussed with others. An open, honest and sincere look at yourself and the team is critical when writing your journal and will help you prepare for your individual and team assessments due at the end of the class. It is OK to mention team members by name. Superficial reflections will not adequately prepare you for the final assessments and will not allow you to have in-depth insights to the learning gained from the class exercises. A creative title should be used for each journal but also include the journal number as stated below.

    The AHA Moment:

    At the end of each journal, include your “aha” moment for that journal period. This is “when the light bulb went on” or “something clicked”. This may include something about a team member, you, an exercise in class or a lecture. I want to know when you said, “aha” I get it now.

    Your journal must be TYPED, spaced 1.5 lines apart, using a 10 or 12 font size and two full pages in length. Your name, journal # and date must be in the top right hand corner. Journals will be submitted as noted on the course calendar. You need to keep all of your journals together as they will be recollected at the end of the semester and turned in with your final individual assessment.

    Each of the four journals must reflect the specific weeks that they are being written for which is outlined on the course calendar. Additionally, journals may also include observations from any team meetings and communications, which are held outside the classroom. Please see the grading criteria to see the weighting of journals on the final grade for the course.

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