Law-Arrests and Seizures, law assignment help

Arrests and Searches


Some things an officer may do after an arrest to the court decisions, include search the arrestee, search the area of immediate control, search the vehicle the arrestee was riding in, search the passenger compartment, handcuff the arrestee, monitor the person’s movements, and search the arrestee at the place of detention. In United States v. Robinson (1973), the Supreme Court held that “in the case of a lawful custodial arrest a full search of the person is not only an exception to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment, but is also a reasonable search under that Amendment.”


In your main post:

Explore justifications for each of the things an officer can do after an arrest without the need for a warrant.

Establish how certain actions go beyond what you would consider to be acceptable were you the arrestee.

Lay out measures to ensure compliance with legal parameters when working in the criminal justice field.

Establish how courts have interpreted the parameters involved in a search after an arrest, incorporating two cases as points of reference.


United States v. Robinson, (72-936) 414 US 218 (1973).

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