Lisa discussion , communications homework help

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I have played games online with friends in the past such as Call of Duty. At first I picked a cute, frilly, avatar with lipstick. Soon I realized that wasn’t cutting it in the “gaming” world. I felt as if I Becky Glasure was talking about me when she described herself and her avatar. Especially, while playing games that are considered first person and you are a member of a team. I realized that I took a back seat to the others on the game when I was girly and was able to take charge when I was a man. When and if I chose to put on a headset, I realized my voice would give away my manly, muscular avatar. It also depended what type of game I was playing that day or how I was feeling. Was I a type “A” or type “B” personality today? The wonderful part about virtual worlds is that you can be yourself or someone completely different.

I feel that in the virtual worlds the avatars can perpetuate stereotypes. I also feel that it can in everyday life. Fact is, if you see a muscular guy at the gym you are going to think of him as a strong individual. The same goes for a virtual game. I can’t tell you how many times I have wondered what the person actually looks like on the other end. I also know very strong men that in some games have to take the last avatar and it could be a woman. They too are stereotyped. Unfortunately, I don’t think stereotyping is going to go away. We need to work on preconceived notions and prejudices within the subcultures.

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