Listing in order of importance, what do you think are the three biggest concerns about the health care system in the United States?

Ethical Considerations ProjectRead the attached article, “Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims.”Review the Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital case summary. (Below)Review Essay Requirements. (Below)Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina HospitalAscension Health (2007) Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman Marina Hospital. Retrieved November 28, 2008 from this 1989 federal appellate court case, the plaintiff was taken to Freeman Hospital’s emergency room after being raped. In response to the patient’s request for information about the morning-after pill, the hospital authorities refused to provide such information, believing that they could not, on the grounds that it was a Catholic hospital. Specifically, the hospital did not inform the patient that if she wanted such treatment it must be obtained within 72 hours to be effective. The court reasoned that a patient has the right to make her own decisions regarding treatment, and therefore, adequate disclosure of information must be provided so the patient can make an informed decision. The court concluded that a rape victim who is denied information about access to the morning-after pill may bring a medical malpractice action. This means that liability may arise if the patient can show: 1) that a skilled practitioner would have provided such information and access under similar circumstances; 2) that she would have elected such treatment; and 3) that “damages” (in this case, pregnancy) resulted from the failure to provide such information. In a footnote to its decision, the court indicated that “access” to such treatment could include transfer of the patient to another medical facility or another physician.Safely perform nursing skills with appropriate supervision of the instructorThe health policy issues.Government and healthcare assignment helpChoose a Nursing theory that finds practical application in critical care/pediatric/psychiatric nursingThe Profession of physical therapy A Major objective of American Physical therapy association is the utilization of Evidence-based Medicine in our profession. Utilize the library database to find a peer-reviewed research article that interests you regardListing in order of importance, what do you think are the three biggest concerns about the health care system in the United States? Examples include health care costs, access to coverage, or government reforms. Support your response with at least two keyNursing_Submit the assignment 5 pages (1375 words) Subject: Nursing Select one article on each of the following theories: 1. Theory of Reasoned Action,Capstone Project Milestone #2: Design for Change Proposal Guidelines You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your PICO and evidence appraisal information from your Capstone Project Milestone #1.How do you choose best Electronic Health Records products to purchase when you have numerous products available in the market? Please read at least two articles related to EHR Products and summarize in 250 to 300 words. Provide appropriate references in tThe topic I chose was RN Education/Certification. In my short experience as a nurse, I have worked in five different hospitals. Two of them as a regular employee and three as a travel nurse and/or Per Diem staff. All of the hospitals I have worked at have

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