Opinion for First Paragraph, writing homework help

Read each paragraph and give me your opinion on both of them so that means I will have two opinions back one for each paragraph


Assess how you would respond as a police officer if you were put in a situation involving gratuities.

First of all, I don’t see anything wrong with businesses offering a free meal or a cup of coffee. Where the problem comes into play is the abuse of the system. I have been offered free meals and other times I have paid. If I ever have to pay, I just pay and take my food. If I ever felt uneasy about someone offering something free, I would politely say “I appreciate your kindness but please allow me to pay”. The bottom line is, I would not abuse the system as some may do.

Explain how partaking in even small gratuities can lead to further misconduct and even corruption.

Small gratuities can often lead to bigger gratuities. Officers will start getting big meals and also order for someone else who may not be there. Misconduct may occur when the officer is persistent in the free meal.

Explore how a police officer should respond if a merchant insist on providing a free meal or service to law enforcement.

I would expect to pay and let them know I am not there to get special treatment. I am providing them a service and the public a service and don’t expect anything in return. I think most restaurants or places will give discounts, not their whole meal free. This is a good thing so people don’t have misconceptions.

Describe whether it is more difficult for rookie officers to deal with ethical situations versus veteran officers.

I think it would be the rookie officers who struggle with this issue. Veteran officers know how to deal with this situation with their years of service. The veterans have been there before and know how to use their discretion and know when not to accept certain perks.


Assess how you would respond as a police officer if you were put in a situation involving gratuities: I have been on the other side of this situation many times before, and I have even paid for an officer’s meal. However, if I was an officer I do believe I would take the gratitude if it was a cup of coffee or a small meal “don’t think I could eat a steak, baked potato, and all its trimmings” and still function”. Another way I would respond to getting a free meal is I would make sure I left a good tip for whoever was partaking in waiting on me.

Explain how partaking in even small gratuities can lead to further misconduct and even corruption: I personally do not think small gratuities could lead to misconduct or even corruption, but then again I am sure anything is possible. However, with that being said this officer may think they deserve special treatment while off duty as well as on, so that could pose an issue.

Explore how a police officer should respond if a merchant insists on providing a free meal or service for an officer: If a merchant insists on providing a free meal than that officer should oblige so that officer does not offend that merchant. However, depending on what service is being offered would depend on if the officer should state that “no they cannot except that due to policies”.

Describe whether it is more difficult for rookie officer’s to deal with ethical situations versus veteran officers: I think different situations can be difficult for either rookie or veteran officers depending on what the case may be. However, when it comes to making an ethical decision based on free coffee or food I think a rookie would be more out to persist that he or she pays because they are not used to that kind of behavior.

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