Plan and Execute a One-day Invitational Track and Field and Draft Contracts

Legal Aspect of Sport

You are the New Technical Director of Run Faster, Inc., a new Track & Field Club located in Ocho Rios, St. Ann. Your first big project is to plan and execute a one-day Invitational Track & Field Meet which will be held on April 1, 2017.

The proposed location for the meet has a number basic amenities for hosting such an event but would require some upgrade and possible additional infrastructure.

  1. Identify and list what you think will be needed for you to put on this event.
  2. Make assumptions about what you think already exists and create a list of these items.
  3. Draft contracts in order to acquire your missing items. Be sure to include ALL necessary and IMPORTANT details in your contracts.
  4. BE CREATIVE!!!!      

Please let me see the first contract that you create! There should be a minimum of 10 contracts. 

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