Provide a written assessment of each photo relating why it is a good example of that CPTED principle.

Provide a written assessment of each photo relating why it is a good example of that CPTED principle.
ASSIGNMENT: 1. For this assignment, you need to find examples in your community of NEW YORK CITY, MANHATTAN, where CPTED was effectively used. Provide an example of three CPTED principles: Natural Surveillance, Natural Access Control, and Territorial Reinforcement. 2. get photos of one example for each principle. Download the photo to your computer and insert in a Word document (or comparable word processor. Provide a written assessment of each photo relating why it is a good example of that CPTED principle. Format Page Length: 2 pages of text, double-spaced and 1-3 pages for photos, depending of the size of your photos. Place you name only in the upper left of the paper. No coversheets. Write in paragraphs and avoid outlines or bullet points.


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