Research Paper : Applications of Agile Project Management outside Software Development

Research Paper : Applications of Agile Project Management outside Software Development

Agile project management is very common in the software development industry and its history there is well known. It is gaining momentum on other projects/industries with some embracing Agile in it’s entirety and others implementing parts of Agile, such as the daily standup meeting.

Your assignment is to research more about Agile Project Management and its application on projects other than software development and write a research paper that details your findings.

The research paper must address, at a minimum, the following topics:

  • The core values and principles of Agile Project Management and how they both enhance and contradict traditional project management.
  • The expansion of Agile project management into areas other than software development and the successes and failures associated with this expansion.
  • The challenges posed by self-organized teams in Agile Project Management and strategies for guiding these types of teams.
  • Additionally, research at least one company or project using Agile methodology and discuss their experiences, both positive and negative.

there has four topics, but you just need work on the last part,

research at least one company or project using Agile methodology and discuss their experiences, both positive and negative.

write a research paper for it, and I need 2-3 page, APA style, NO COPY!!

IF you have any question, you can tell me.

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