risk in using social media to promote a business, communications homework help

1- Can you think of any circumstances in which a wiki might be appropriate and even beneficial?

2- Is there a risk as well do you think in using social network venues to promote a business? What might be some of the drawbacks?

3- Can you think of certain circumstances or contexts in which IM may not be an appropriate forum for communicating with colleagues?

4- Explain why a print medium might be preferable in the case of advertising a local event?

5- Imagine that your company’s error cost an important business customer a new client; you know it, and your customer knows it. Do you apologize, or do you refer to the incident in a positive light without admitting any responsibility? Briefly explain.

6- Describe an effective strategy for developing marketing and sales messages, explain how to modify this approach for social media, and identify steps you can take to avoid ethical lapses in marketing and sales messages.

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