start – Nursing Essay Tutors

PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT:It is important that students in a graduate level class be familiar with the varied aspects of research.This term paper allows students an opportunity to explore a particular topic related to higher education leadership theories and develop this into a term paper.
FORMAT OF ASSIGNMENT: Your writing should produce a minimum of a 12 page research paper (actual content). You must also include a title page and reference page, and an abstract is required. Please prepare a double-spaced document using New Times Roman size 12 font. You must cite at least 12 research articles (professional journals, publications, etc., in APA style). Other sources may be used as well. If you choose to use interviews in your research paper, this counts as another source in the reference section of your paper. All sources should be current – within the last 5-7 years of the publication date.
If you use Internet sources, such an article from an online journal, please make certain to include the web address for the source in the appropriate citation on the reference page of your paper. Use the APA Manual for proper in-text and reference citation format. References are cited on a separate page at the end of the paper.
It is mandatory that your assignment be clear, understandable and well-written. Use good sentence structure, proper word usage, and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
This web page will help with the paper: but I need 12 research articles APA style
Thesis Statement:

Head Start is a comprehensive program that has provided millions of disadvantaged children with pre-kindergarten education, medical services, and family support services throughout the years.

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