Summarise the object text by locating the text within a broader context of academic research. Who is the intended audience?

Critical Review of Jrme B, and Madel, C. (2011) Inside television audience measurement: Deconstructing the ratings machine, Media, Culture & Society, 33(5) 791 800.First, Summarise the object text by locating the text within a broader context of academic research. Who is the intended audience? If your chosen text is an article, which disciplinary community is the journal addressing? Identify and then provide a clear and succinct summary in your own words of a) the subject matter of the text (what is the topic?) b) its specific aim (what does it set out to do?) and b) its key argument, contribution or findings (what does it achieve?). Then, Explore how the object text positions itself in relation to the theoretical field. Examine how the authors position their study in relation to other previous research. In doing so, you might consider the following: o how do the authors establish the contribution that their work makes (its approach, argument or findings) in relation to what other scholars have done previously? o how do the authors use specific literature, theories and/or concepts to position their work and build their argument(s)? o do they identify a gap in previous literature that they suggest that their research is filling?Hide


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