The Power of Infographics

Watch the “Hans Rosling–Religions and Babies” video in the Week 6 Electronics Reserve Readings Videos.

Create 10 to 12 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides and address the following:

  • Classify the different types of charts that Hans Rosling provides during his presentation.
  • Summarize from the Hans Rosling video the peak average child per woman, and the population in year 2100.
  • Explore and identify the options available in Excel to produce similar infographics to Hans Rosling.
  • Create a sample data of child births per woman (obtain data from .gov website) for years 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. Kevin
  • Create a time series bar chart from the data uploaded in Excel.

Compose a minimum of 260 words in which you address a time series chart:

  • Interpret how to create a Time Series Chart. Extend your chart to reflect the time series addition, and include chart snapshots in your explanation.

this is a group assignment so my part is only 2 slides done on the second bullet with speaker notes is : Summarize from the Hans Rosling video the peak average child per woman, and the population in year 2100.

(2012). TEDTalks: Hans Rosling—Religions and Babies (13:16) [Video File]. Films on Demand

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