update live plan

business plan.

Login to your LivePlan account.

Select the Plan tab within LivePlan, and then select the “Execution” chapter on the left-hand side menu. The arrow to the right of the chapter will expand or contract the sections within the chapter.

Complete the Key Metrics part of the “Milestones & Metrics” section.

Select the Benchmarks tab within LivePlan, and then select the green “Get Started” button at the bottom of the page.

Complete your Industry Benchmarks by searching and selecting your industry, geographic region, and company size.

Select the Schedule tab within LivePlan, and then select the green “Get Started” button at the bottom of the page.

Add your milestones to the Schedule. Once complete, go back to the “Execution” chapter and review the Milestones Table in the “Milestones & Metrics” section. Edit your milestones as needed by going back to the Schedule tab.

Click the “Download & Print” option at the top of the page.

Select the “Download as Doc” option and save a copy of your business plan.

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