Use the DiSC assessment results from your Learning Team members., Motivation Plan assignment help

Use the DiSC assessment results from your Learning Team members. My team consist of 2 persons and
we are both Cautious.

Interview your mentor to gather information about your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works in, and his or her job description. (Don’t have this information because mentor is out of

Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor’s department and that would increase your Learning Team members’ motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department.

Required Elements:

  • No more than 1400 words
  • Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values among your Learning Team members, and address how each difference might be used to positively influence behavior.
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Attached are myself and my team members DISC results, we are both cautious. My mentor teaches at a university in Missouri.

My team assessment reports are attached and my mentor sheets are attached. my mentor information is below:

Linwood Mason Jr.

MCN Specialist II

Technology Support Center

Office of Technology

University of Central Missouri

Warrensburg, MO 64093

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